Art Space is a winery built in 1830 and converted into what must be one of the world's most interesting art galleries. It also happens to make excellent wine. Maybe the best in Santorini, an island known for its great wines.

Art Space was at one time a processing center for the delicious Santorini tomatoes. It is owned by Antonis Argiros, whose great-great or great-great-great grandfather built it. It was Antonis who converted it to what it is now, an art gallery and winery. You won't find the massive equipment that you will find at the bigger wineries but you will find some beautiful art in a fascinating setting and at the end of the tour you sample Antonis' wine which in
my opinion is excellent, and the best wine we had in Santorini.

The Exhibition hall occupies the two wine cellars (kanaves), the old rakidio (rake distillery) and the large cave space (hyposkafo) of the old winery, which is carved into the pumice rock. The Exhibition premises link to the adjacent cave areas where the new winery is in operation, through an underground tunnel.

The exhibition displays representative works of contemporary art. Their artistic worth constitutes the key criterion in their having been selected for display. The works on display come from numerous established artists from the Greek and international realm. In addition, the exhibition is the home for works of new, promising artists.

Winery History
The old, pre-industrial winery of 1861 closed its doors in 1952, when its third owner, Nikolaos A. Argyros, founded the Union of Cooperatives for Products of Thira and the biggest winery on the island, now known as SantoWines.
In 1999, his son, Antonis N. Argyros, brings it back to life and founds Art Space. The chambers of the old winery are restored and used as a museum to remind us of the history of wine and the craftsmanship employed when it was made.

The adjacent underground cavern of the old barn is chosen as the new winery. The entrance to this cave is 8 metres below the surface of the earth while the depth at the end of the cave reaches 11 metres. The dominant material is a dense layer of pumice, 6 metres thick, which is in itself a unique insulating material, thus constituting the perfect environment for the maturation and ageing of the wine.
The second significant advantage is the altitudinal difference, which made "vertical vinification" possible. The vinification takes place on three different levels and makes use of gravity and natural flow, without the use of pumps.
Although Art Space Winery is small, it is a labour of love while making use of ultra modern technology and clearly shows preference to "quality" over 'quantity'. Its modern equipment includes special tanks for pre-fermentation cold socking, stain steel fermentation tanks, cooling equipment for temperature control throughout the production process as well as oak barrels for the maturation of the wine.

Moreover, the new vineyards of the winery are an example of organic farming.

The Argiros family began operation of its winery in 1861, as the small engraved plaque at Mikri Kanava tells us. At the end of the 1990's, the kanaves, rakidio, and pumice rock - hewn caves were restored acquiring a new life as a space housing Art. At the same time, the new winery facilities were installed in the adjacent cave area thus continuing the family's wine crafting tradition.

Since 1999, Art Space's old cave winery chambers have held the exhibitions of approximately 200 top Greek and foreign artists. The thousands of visitors to its premises have had the opportunity to become better acquainted with the trends and course of contemporary painting and sculpture in Greece.

Apart from its interest, due to its unique geology and tourist attractions, Santorini is an island with a history of 3500 years in exquisite art masterpieces. From the incomparable wall paintings of prehistoric Acrotiri to the sculptures and ceramics of historic times and its superb architecture of more recent centuries, Santorini maintains a tradition in art.

With this perspective in mind, Art Space aspires at contributing its own small stone to the existing foundation and become yet one more reason for visitors to get to know another aspect of Santorini: Of a Santorini that inspires artists and offers hospitality to Art in all its manifestations.

Visitors to the Art Gallery have the opportunity to view and buy important works of art by Greek and foreign artists or choose from the delicious wines. They can ship your wine home for you as well. Unlike most of the other wineries on Santorini you won't find their wine in the supermarkets. Their wine is also organic.
