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Greece Travel: Traveler's Reviews
Matt's Greece Travel Guide 3

Even More for Matt's Greece Travel Guide

Dear Matt,

Your website is not just the best Greece website I've seen, but frankly the
best travel website I've seen.   Frommers and the like should be ashamed to
call themselves travel sites after seeing what you've compiled.

My husband and I are spending 3.5 weeks traveling in Switzerland, Italy and
Greece this summer and I've been despairing over the lack of good, helpful
and practical information for Greece.  Thank you so much for your site!
I've printed almost all the pages out!

We will be in Greece from July 24 through the 30th - only 6 days.   Our
plan is to do Athens and then go to Naphlion and use Naphlion as our base
to explore around the Peloponesse.  From your pages I think we'll stay at
the hotel Attalos and the hotel Byron.   I love that you understand about
air-conditioning!! My husband is the same way and there is nothing worse
than getting cranky due to heat.

Thank you again for all the obvious work you put into your pages.  If you
have any suggestions based on the info I've given you please do not
hesitate to let us know!


Hi Matt,

I was going through my old e-mail and noticed that I had neglected to get
back to you.  I apologise for not getting in touch with you whilst in
Greece.  We were there for so little of our 6 week trip and spent a lot of
time in my mother in law's villiage.

I have just gone back to your website and really loved going through it all
over again.  You really know a lot about Greece and the information is
accurate, relevant and useful.  We are hoping to go to Greece in 2002 (and
finally get to Navplion!).

Maybe we can get together for that long awaited frape at that time?

By the way, have you thought about publishing the information you have in a
book?  Whilst the information is on the web, a smaller sized bound book (a
la Lonely Planet style) may be more convenient for a holiday maker to take
with him/her.  I am sure that I am telling you how to suck eggs, but it is
just a thought for what it is worth.

Until then, I look forward to reading more updates in your website!




I came across your site accidentally whilst looking for something else.
As an ex-Athenian and now a Melbourne resident I found your site as the most informative and objective on Athens.
It is written from a Greek's perspective - ie  what is really important and what is not!  - Brilliant!
Who needs Lonely Planet or Fodors when we have your site.
I shall return for your updates.
Well done.  Keep up the good work.
(maybe time to start a forum or a chat line on Athens?)


Tony Ioannou
Melbourne, March 2001

PS. I share your sentiments on patsa and good coffee

I just want to send " Congratulations " for the site of Greece.
It is really wonderful. My parents are Greek and I have been there for 20 days and time is to short to see all the nice things in Greece.
Again ... Congratulations ...
Eugenia Kourkounakis

i don't know if you are american or greek-american or what, but you have one of the most imaginative and enjoyable sites on the web pertaining to greece. hope they pay you well.


Hi Matt,
First thanks for your help before.
I have now proved that a day trip to Aegina is possible from the UK.
We did it last Sunday - the hydrofoils start at 0700 and the ferries at
0745 and there seems to be a fairly regular service through the day.
We arrived in Piraeus at 0600 and it was only just above freezing
(colder than the UK) I couldn't believe how cheap the ferries were.
Fortunately the sun came up and it was quite hot on the island.
We nearly had a problem returning to the airport. We were waiting for
the E91 (was 091) airport bus at Omonia when a local came and told us
that it didn't run from there anymore - I could not understand what he
meant as we had used the same bus from the airport in the morning.
Anyway we got a taxi and just about made it in time to find the flight
would be delayed by two hours.
All in all a very,very long but thoroughly enjoyable day-trip.

Tony Cleveley

matt - went to greece in late march, early april and gained much great info from your website.  we went completely on our own, rented a car and (other than the impatient drivers) had a great visit. thanks for the effort you have put into gathering your information.  we were over there during the time that they switched from one airport to the other, so that was fun.  but we used the Avra Hotel more than once and the people there were great.  thanks again. Margaret 

Hi Matt,

Just a brief note to congratulate you on the quality of the sites you have
created.  I first stumbled onto your network of sites when I was doing an
Internet search for rembetika, a type of music for which I have a very
strong love and affiliation (my family's roots are from Pontos, Asia Minor,
from whence much of the initial impetus of the rembetika started following
the great disaster of 1922).

I own a 130+ seat Greek taverna in Wellington, New Zealand, (Theo's Greek
Taverna) for which we launched a web site just over two months ago.  Please
feel free to visit it at leisure.

I have always been keen to provide links to other sites which provide
quality, complementary information on such things as Greece (general), Greek
travel, food, music, wine and dance. That way we are not simply promoting
our taverna but also providing wider perspectives on Greece, its people,
culture, etc.

We have taken the liberty to provide links to your various sites on our web
site.  We hope and trust that this does not cause you any difficulty as we
think your sites are ace and the style is very compatible with the informal,
fun style of information we have endeavoured to present.  In other words we
try to present ourselves to the world as we are!

We would welcome your visit to our site as well as your feedback as to
whether you are happy with us linking to those of your sites shown under the
"links" button of our site.

Many thanks, and all the very best to you and your family for a happy
Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.

PS  Have you ever been to New Zealand?


Theo Simeonidis
Theo's Greek Taverna
13 Pirie Street
New Zealand
Ph:  04 801 8806
Fax:  04 801 8734

I want to say that I have been extremely impressed with this website.  I have other friends that are vacationing in Greece this September and specifically mentioned Matt's sight.  I have read just about all of his stories about Athens, etc.  He did such a good job with the explanation of Lesvos, that we are staying there for four/five days in May.  The folks at Sappho Travel are arranging the transportation from Athens (via the overnight ferry) and air on the return.  Jo and Joanne are also doing the hotels....

I would rate this site as one of the best places for essential information on Greece without any axe-to-grind.  I like Matt's style.  He gives the facts that all travellers can benefit from....

I my only complaint--I wish I could see everything that has been recommended...I guess I will need to make more than one visit.....

thanks, again.......Jeffrey Pearl

I wanted to take the time to thank you for such a wonderful website.. I spent the holidays in Greece with my fiancé who is currently
working over there.  I printed the Athens survival guide and took it with me and we used it everyday.  My fiancé was a little
skeptical because he is kind of doubtful (I think it is an ego thing) but he found the book really helpful and kept my copy over
there with him.

I live in NC also and hope to return to Greece to live for a couple of years.  I will continue to use your info.  Thanks so much.


hey there matt,

i just had to email you today and tell you that you're my hero.  i've been
living in greece since september, from canada, and looked at your site for
info a few times.  i just love it.  are you still in greece?  what do you
do?  sorry, i havent' read the whole site yet.  haven't read the whole
encyclopedia britannica yet either.  so say hey if you get a chance.


I spend a lot of time in Greece, and I love your site.  It makes me feel
less "homesick" when I am not there.
Thanks again,


Hello Mr. Barrett,

Our entire family found your Greece Travel sites very real and very educational. My
14 year-old son and I leave tomorrow for Athens and your web sites have helped to
alleviate much of our "fear-of-the-unknown".

Thanks a million!

D. Heckaman II

i am so grateful i found your travel site. i actually found it through your daughter's site. i was googling greece with kids (we have 3 and 7 yo boys). your site gave me the confidence to plan our upcoming 3 week christmas trip to greece. i even convinced my in-laws and brother-in-law to join us for a week!

ana found us a great looking apts to rent. the in-laws will be right next door. we will be taking a day criuse to three islands thanks to your site. our visit will be athens-centric. i even have some relatives there to meet. this has been something my husband and i have talked about doing over the 15 years of our marraige. i am so excited to take the kids. they are used to lots of travel- mostly domestic. we homeschool them and travel around the usa in an rv for my husband's job. we are so excited to introduce them to greece. you site has made it possible.

you must get tons on emails but i just had to let you know how i felt.


tara weed

Dear Mr. Barrett:

Last February, my husband and I traveled to Greece and thanks to your
wonderfully detailed Internet site, we had ourselves a spectacular holiday.
We stayed at the Hotel Attalos and also used the services of Fantasy Travel.
The hotel was perfect and so was the location.  As for Fantasy Travel, we
dealt with Dina, and I must say, we received wonderful service.  We also
booked George the taxi driver for a day tour. 

Both my husband and I have fallen in love with Greece.  Athens is a great
place and we loved every minute of it.  I can't wait to return.

We would like to thank you kindly for the superb information you provide
through your Internet site.  As you will see from the attached letter, you
saved us money, and for that we are grateful.  Rest assured that we will
recommend your site to anyone traveling to Greece.

Thank you and have a wonderful summer! 

Christine Way


I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed surfing your website.

I wanted to tell you how I heard about your website.

Well, I had to visit someone on short notice just outside of my hometown,
Toronto, Canada.  The weather was lousy so I took the did
everyone else, or so it seemed.  All the seats were booked except for one
single seat in first class.  First class is brutally expensive and I was not
too happy about it but I had to get on the train.  Anyway, I paid my fare
and hopped on board.  I decided to make the best of the situation and took
advantage of all of those lovely first class perks (I was a bit tipsy
getting off the train!)  Anyway, a really interesting man was sitting beside
me and we started chatting.  I told him that I was getting married on
September 8th and hoping to honeymoon in Greece.  He got all excited and
started telling me about his recent trip and he simply raved about your
website...said that I had no need to look further and that it was the best
travel website that he had seen.  I forgot about it for a couple of weeks
and when I logged on the other day I was so pleased to see all of the
information on your website.  I really like your 'itinerary for the
intinerarily challenged'.

I just sent a message to Dolphin Hellas letting them know that I was looking
at a two week trip to Greece. (two or three islands, with one of them being
Santorini)  We are both urban planners and really into hiking, architecture
and history.  I can think of no better place to visit than Greece.

(Besides, with the large Greek population in Toronto, I have constant

I have only just started checking out your site...I will bounce back to it
right now for some more information.

I will remember to send some money to the charity that you mentioned.

Thank you again,

Loretta Ryan

Dear Matt,

I have been browsing around your website for about an hour now and wanted to write and tell you how very much I'm enjoying myself.  I haven't laughed so hard on the written word in a very long time!  I have printed out your piece on your trip to Edipsos to share with friends who will appreciate your humor on everything from the directions to the National Road to your aunts' reason for eating at that cafeteria (and your thoughts on it).

I'm a Greek-American and lived in Athens myself in l966-67 (Stavrolakis was a teacher of mine, also).  I've been back a few times over the years (my last trip was in l996).  I plan to return to Greece in March and a friend and I are going to stay at Elounda Beach Resort (Crete, as you well know).  I've been to Crete a number of times in my life, but the last time was 20 years ago.  We're renting a car and in between eating and sleeping my way thru a few days,  I hope to hit a few old favorite spots, and discover a few new ones.  When I first came to your site, I was simply looking for some information on what the weather might be like on Crete in March (I've never been there in March).  Boy, was I in for a surprise!

I still don't know what the weather will be like on Crete in March, but I've learned a heck of a lot of stuff (and gotten a great laugh) from your incredibly informative website.  I plan to get a couple of the books you mentioned  (Bell, Mitsopoulou).

Thanks so much.  You made my day!  Continued success.   I will certainly tell anyone who even mentions Greece about your website!

Olga Coumantaros-Biondi

Last May my wife and I went to Greece.  We based our entire vacation on your webpage information.  It was incredibly valuable and the vacation was the best we have ever had.  Thank you.

Wayne Place
Raleigh, NC


I am aware of the fact that I've e-mailed you subsequently requesting
miscellaneous information on Greece.  However, I am well-nigh certain you'll
find this e-mail one of the more unique.

I have perused your website, and I must say I admire your writing style.
You have an obvious love, or flair, you might say, for writing - in which I
share.  Furthermore, I have a similar fondness of travelling, precisely why
I was so fascinated by your profession: a travel writer.

I think you're simply brilliant.  The way in which you collaborate amusement
with incredible writing is beyond me.  I am fifteen years old and must say I
truly admire your writing style.

Do you think it would be possible for you to send me more information on
your profession?  For instance, what did you makor in while attending
college?  Where did you apply?  - a travel magazine?

Though I find your career incredible interesting, and one I would readily
persue, I know very little bit aboutit.  Any information would be

Thank you in advance,

Dear Matt,
    What a great web site. Human, honest, and full of heart. I will use
it to help plan my trip to Greece.
    Trisha Waldron

Hi Matt,

   I've read a few of your reviews of the Greek Islands and I must say
it's a pleasure to finally find someone who knows how to write travel
reviews without always trying to find some fancy word out of the
dictionary or thesaurus to describe something.
   For whatever its worth, I think your writing is easy, flowing and fun
to read and very much keeps me wanting more.
   Santorini is just the way you describe it, though I haven't been for
quite some time I'm hopeful of returning there next year. Thanks for
your reviews.

Glad I found your website,

Dear Mr Barrett
Just a quick email to say how much I enjoyed reading your story about your
Greek holiday in 2000 and trip up to Kalavrita. I am an Englismman and my
parents lived in Patras for a couple of years in 80's - my father worked as
an engineering consultant there for a local company. I visited them in 1989
as a bachelor and stayed for a couple of months doing watercolour paintings
to sell back home in England. I took a simple room at a cafe in
Zachlorou -the half way stage between Diakofto and Kalavrita - and painted
in the Gorge for a few days. It has a both a magic and, as you rightly
pointed out, a disturbingly tragic recent history which you have explained
and written about movingly. I hope to take my wife and children there
sometime in the next few years. Keep up the good work!


Charles Higham
Sales and Customer Service Executive
iBrax Limited

Dear Matt Barrett,

        Just a quick e-mail really to say how much I have enjoyed reading
your website. It is late at night in Cambridge,UK and with my girlfriend
have been planning for our holiday to one of the Greek islands. Have not
been there for a while but your immensly enjoyable (and frank) prose has
fired up the memories I have of the islands almost a decade ago (plus
added a few new info).

There are a few sites I have visited the last days to collect info and
to choose where to go but your website is excellent.


Dr. Konstantinos Kafetsios

We love going to Greece and so far over the years have notched up about
25-30 islands. If we ever win the lottery that's where we're heading !  It's
hard to pick favourites as they're all so different but if we had to
probably Skiathos for the beaches, Aegina as it's easy to travel to other
islands Poros, Hydra, Agistri  etc., Santorini for the dramatic scenery and
Thassos for the very friendly locals.  We have found your web pages
absolutely brilliant.  We're off to Stoupa this year ( 9 weeks to go!) and
really looking forward to getting away from the cold British weather. If you
have any info about Stoupa we'd be most grateful for you help.

Than you very much.

Carolyn & Steve Douglas

  I got to tell you that your web site on Greece is
really one of the best sites on a locale that I've
ever seen, maybe the best ever period.  I'm an artist
in Hawaii and was just toying with the idea of a
painting trip to greece, say six months or so with my
family....your site really inspired me to take it more
seriously.  It must of been a helluva lot of work so
thanks for the sweat.

  Steve Paschal
  Mililani Hawai

Dear Matt,
  I just wanted to say thank you for your website. I am trying to plan a trip
to Greece with a friend and found no practical information on the net.
However, your site was recommended to me and has provided invaluabe
information. Keep up the good work!
Allison Bean

I just wanted to say that you have done a wonderful job of providing
information for people travelling to Greece.  My boyfriend and I used many
of your suggestoins, and I have just recommended your site to a friend of
mine.  We fell in love with Greece, and I hope that she does too!

Thanks for all your hard work!

Marnie Reichelderfer

Subj:  Spring in Greece!
Date: 03/22/2001 7:37:11 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: (Vera Gadjanski)

Hi Matt,

I read your wonderful article about Thessaloniki last Easter. I was
delighted with your marvellous description of this beutiful and splendid
town where the modern meets the ancient and I sent you an e-email filled
with admiration. It was the first time that I saw one of your articles and
stories you have written on various Greek subjects. Since then I am a
regular visitor of your website

I love Greece, especially Thessaloniki but after reading your articles and
stories I fell in love with it even more. I visited Greece myself several
times but since I spend a lot of time on your website I got so familier with
Greece that I feel like I have always lived there.

I hope that you will have even more success in writing your articles and
stories about various Greek subjects. Have a nice spring! Spring must be
beautiful in Greece!

Many greetings from your admirer and reader

I am a consultant and tour guide for a company by the name of Europe Through
the Back Door - I have often referred to your Greek Web page for
information.  I would appreciate getting a copy of your newsletter and
island synopsis.  You are doing a great job - love the web site

Dear Matt,
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for your prompt answer. It
was of a great help, as within less than an hour I received the answer from
the hotel.
In addition, I would like to express my admiration for your splendid and
very useful web sites relating to tourism in Greece. Information like those
one can find in these sites and such a good willing are really treasure for
independent travelers like us, (my wife and I). We wish to find such useful
and pleasant information source for our future travels.
In addition to the large amount of very useful information, we like very
much your personal comments as well the pictures. We have been really
pleasantly impressed recognizing the Amarandi's street musician. We remember
him from our trip we made 3 years ago. I caught him in my video camera
during one of his dance performances in the syrtaki rhythm of his
barrel-organ. Then we visited the Peloponesos and now we are going to visit
the norther part of Greece.
Once again, thank you very much,

Best regards,

Tomi Wiegner
Nahariya, ISRAEL

Dear Matt.

My husband and I stumbled on your web site and are so thankful. We are planning a trip to Europe next year and were thinking Portugal, but you have  helped to change our mind, Greece is looking so good! We enjoyed  reading your stories and adventures.

Do you think May would be warm enough for swimming? We live in Northern Ontario, Canada and would like to go in May when hopefully it might be a bit cheaper, less crowds, but we both love to sun and swim, and as we probably won't be back to Europe again for years, would like to enjoy our favorite pastime while we are there.

The hyperlinks are terrific. We would love to receive your newsletter, keep up the great work.


Barb Armstrong




Dear Matt,
I appreciate your prompt reply, and thank you.  I have confirmed with Aegean
at Alkyonis, and of course, mentioned your referral, and am now going to email
dolphin hellas in ath.  I am looking for a good place to accomodate my husband,
me and my two small children in plaka, a large room or connecting rooms and
hopefully, but not necessarily with, a kitchenette for the first part of the
trip and another place near the new airport for the second part of the trip
(after sifnos).  (George at Aegean Th. tells me I should be concerned about
getting to the airport on time.)

I will show my girls your daughter's web site.  How proud she must feel to have
written her own online book.

We will also take you up on the cell phone idea, and maybe even George the taxi
driver (but how can he accomodate all of us travelers)?

You and I have actually corresponded with each other (via email)1 or 2 years
ago, but it is only this year that my family and I are able to go to Greece.
 (My girls are 2 and 3 years old.)  Even now this is a little ambitious for
us because I know Greece (albeit not as well as you do.)  (I also have not been
there since '93.)

But I have to say that I was and am so impressed with this little enterprise
you have created.  The writing is so witty, and the information so thorough.
 I generally like the Lonely Planet series very much, but your site is so much
more comprehensive.  You should really should publish it in a book format.

Well thanks again and if you happen to be on sifnos june 29-july 5th look us
up at alkyonis under the "juran family."


Love the way Mr. Barrett describes organization in Greece - makes it lighthearted - has to be - and it keeps you openminded - have to be!  I'm going in June with 3 very good friends - I've been to Greece a kajillion times but these folks have never been - I've tried to gently tell them what to expect - hard to do.  It's going to be fun.  Especially knowing you're on my side!

I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a great website.  Such a
helpful resource for me as I plan my Greece trip for next spring.  I really
appreciate reading your opinions in helping me sort out the many options
(especially islands).  Great pictures too.


Matt: Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your
site...have read it all but will return to it before my planned trip in
September...first time, and going solo! I'm very excited...
I am a police officer in Toronto, and have told another girl at work
about your site...she is planning on going this summer..crazy!

Thanks again.

Angela D.

I am heading to Greece next month for the first time.  Your website is worth its weight in gold!!!!!

Thank you!

James Edwards, D.C

Matt & Esther,

Sorry, that I did not send a breakdown of my March trip, so here it goes. I
had used George (it was not famous George but an associate of his) to pick
me up and take me around the city for a few hours before our Ferry to Hydra
(it was a $100, not bad for a 4 hour tour in a Mercedes). I also used
Dolphin-Hellas travel agency and everything went perfect, Esther was my
agent and she handled all the problems with an assuring confidence, I
definitely am glad I took your advice. You had recommended staying on the
islands close by so we picked Hydra and it was absolutely wonderful. The
weather we were told was unusually warm for that time of the year and it
only rained once (March 6-13 trip date). There were many times during the
trip that we were wearing t-shirts. From there we were to fly to Santorini,
however strong winds cancelled our flight and we had to stay in Athens for
the night. We went to the hotel we were to be staying at towards the end of
trip and got aclimated to the area and the inconvenience turned out to be
not so bad. Flew to Santorini and it was absolutely beatiful, had a little
problem at our hotel (language barrier seemed to be a problem at times) but
finally settled in and rented a car to explore the island. The next day we
chartered a boat to take us to the volcano (thru Volcano Tours) (because
there were no commercial trips being made during off-season) and that was
exquisite as well. After soaking this all in we returned to Athens after 3
days in Santorini for the final leg. Our driver had taken us to all the
major sights on the 4 hour tour so we explored the Plaka and visited the
Acropolis on our morning jogs the last 2 days. We thouroghly enjoyed
shopping and eating at your recomended restaurants and bars (Bretos was
refreshingly different). I must say, I have traveled Europe rather
extensively and thought I would never find a front runner to my love Prague.
Greece is definetely right there if not better (I am sure in the summer I
would blown away) and am making plans to try to visit in June. I wanted to
take a train to Prague on the next trip but that seems to be next to
impossible. I went with my wife and sister and they loved it. I have
attached a picture of us in full tourist glory.

I own a company of which I built around an invention of me and my partners.
Please check out my web-site at and if you are interested
and feel it not to burdensome to accept a gift, please tell me what style
and what logo you would like and I would enjoy sending both you and Esther a
few pair for your gracious efforts. The invention is a device that allows
ones socks to stay together from the time you take them off to the time you
put them on. The device allows for us to place logos on top of it so as to
create a sort of logo sock.

Respectfully Yours,
Jeffey Gitto

Hey there Matt,
We attended Midnight Mass at the Monastery in Pyrgos on Good Friday. The mountaintop and houses were outlined in flaming luminary pots (3500 we were told)
as we followed the procession back down through the streets, the residents were setting off fireworks and sprinkling us with rosewater as we passed. Upon our return to the Dameia Palace Hotel we were greeted with a traditional dinner including delicious lamb intestine and rice soup, yum. This hotel is really great, the multinational staff and resident owners George and Staci make every guest feel comfortable. Service is absolutely first rate and communication is never a problem, due in large part to the multi-lingual staff.
Also, for a good deal on some traditional dining in Fira try Cafe Stamna, we met the owner on the flight from JFK and he invited us to his cafe for dinner. Excellent!
We saw the entire island from end to end and side to side, I would still go back in a heartbeat it was so beautiful and awe-inspiring.
Mike Solomon
Allentown PA

dear matt...

i have just spent the last 2 hours (that's right, up at 5am and on the
internet) reading thru your website on greece. i just wanted to tell you
that i had a fabulous time: in the 2 hours i spent on your site, i learned
more about greece than the last 4 weeks i have spent in books and on other
sites. thanks.

i have taken good notes and will surely patronize some of the places you
suggested thruout your site. i make my first trip to greece in 2 weeks and
i am very excited (i have traveled to many other places...for some reason
greece was always bypassed...after your website, i now cannot wait to

you stated in your site that you have lived in greece. did you work while
there? looking thru your site, that is the only deficit of information that
i found: how to financially survive once you are there. any suggestions?

in any case, thanks again. maybe we'll bump into each other there some time
as i am already sure i will want to return again and again.


robert varisco

I happened on your website today while I was searching for information and
wanted to express my thanks.  My husband and I along with another couple are
planning a trip to Greece next year.  None of us have ever been to Greece so
we are still researching our options and your web site is a great resource.

Thanks for all your tips and links.
Efharisto' poli'

Brenda Taylor

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your return e-mail.  Yeah, I know I worry too much, always have,
but there's an old saying, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do," so thought
that might apply here.  I printed out all 14 pages last year and it is great
stuff.  You do a better job than Frommer's, etc.  Hope you get a travel
guide out in print.  I sure would recommend it.  I also printed out all the
info on where to eat, drink and buy, and that will certainly go with me.
Being on a tour is not like being on your own, and the more I read your
pages I wish I was going alone, but age becomes a problem at times.

Thanks again,


Dear Mr.Barrett,

Thank you for your site -- it is very interesting and quite helpful. Two
times already I have used its information for my Greece trips, and come back
to its pages from time to time to feel once more the bright Sun of Greece
and its lovely aura. I also give the link to your site to my friends when
any of them make plans of visiting Greece -- not only to follow your request
but to help people with their journeys.

Last time I visited Greece (I staid at Evia), I had a short trip to
Skyros -- the island you mention in your description, but as I can guess
have never visited. It is quite worth visiting, your recommendation is
absolutely right, and even more, I felt as if I had found the land of my
dream, sorry for the pathetic words. I have made a number of photos of the
island, and a couple of the pictures look rather nice though I'm not a
master of photography at all. If you wish I could send you the pictures for
the Skyros page illustration -- I would be happy to contribute to your great

Thanks once more,
Elena Pimenova,

Dear Matt,
     Through this message, I like to extend my thanks and gratitude for your
invaluable guidance and help, which you have extended to me.
I once again offer my heartiest thank to you.

                                           khalid mehmood shaikh

Dear Matt,
    I just got back from a trip to Santorini and visited the volcano, however, I have a few questions about what I actually saw. I went up and saw the great hole and I read that it was once a volcano that had collapsed under its own weight so was now called a "caldera."
        - The hole that I saw was the center of the volcano, correct?

    You said on your site that, "Across the bay is the island of Thirasia which is actually the other rim of the volcano and was once part of the same island." so the rim of the top of the volcano is what I was standing on? The entire island was the top of the volcano? Does that mean that the real center was actually far beneath our boat in the water?
    Please clarify asap what I saw. I have to do a science project and am still confused! By the way, your site is wonderful, provided great information, and partly becaue of it, we decided to go to some of the islands you mentioned... You were right, they were truly beautiful!

    Thanks for your help,

Dear Matt, Just a note to say thank you for an awesome website.  I am Greek-American and haven't been to Greece in 21 years, now am taking the family (5) in June for 25 days.  I have been researching for a month and just TODAY with your website FINALLY have gotten ALLOT accomplished.  Congrats on a job well done. thank you,

Dearest Matt,

My friends and I feel like we know you after consulting your travel guide
and reading so much of your wonderful writing about Greece on your sites. I
work for Coastal Living magazine, and if we ever do a special section on
the Greek Isles, I will insist that we sign you up to write for us!!

Three girlfriends and I just returned from an extraordinary experience in
Athens and on Santorini. Your site was so very helpful. We stayed at the
Cecil Hotel, which incidentally has not completed its renovation in the
upper-level rooms (no shower curtains in those tiny bathrooms!). However,
we found it so reasonably priced and in such a great location that I would
definately recommend it again. We stayed on the second floor our last
night, and enjoyed the rooms much better. During the first part of our
stay, we had our own sunset watching parties on the roof, which I hope will
soon get tables and chairs. But we sat on blankets and watched the sunset
glow off the side facade of the Parthenon, and toasted you for your good
suggestions! We had been to Brettos, ate at Byzantino, went to the
Byzantino jewlery store, and the Monasteraki flea market.

One experience not reported on your site--what to do if you have a taxi cab
accident! Our driver slammed into the back of a stopped vehicle on the
drive in from Athens. Advise people to wear their seat belts!! I could have
gone through the front window! As it was, no one was hurt, but no police
arrived and no ambulance came.  The sweet Greek people filtered down from a
near-by apartment building and helped hail anothe cab as we stood there
with our bags on the side of the road. Our driver called another cab to
pick us up and take us to the Cecil, and he made us pay the full fare we
had promised our original driver! We were just glad no one was hurt. (The
new airport, by the way, is fabulously clean and modern; much better the
old one you described on your site!!)

We enjoyed the 8-hour ferry ride to Santorini, seeing Paros, Naxos, and
Eos. Santorini, however was a dream!! Do you know about Roccabella hotel?
It's right on the ridge between Imerovigli and Ia, and is paradise. I
travel often for my job, and seriously, this hotel was perfect, with a
comfortable apartment for the four of us; a negative edge pool (and pool
bar) that overlooks the caldera; teak lounge chairs lined up with white,
leather-looking (but vinyl) padding, beautiful flowers; and a breakfast
patio on the other side with views of Kamari Beach. We stopped by some of
the other hotels we'd seen on the internet in Imerovigli, and are so glad
we reserved rooms at Roccabella. When we arrived at sunset and were shown
to our pool-side room with a view, the outdoor speakers were belting out
Andrew Boccelli singing Con Te Partiro--which was the defining moment of
our trip.

Anyway, you know the island much better than me, but here were a few of our
personal finds. Our favorite dinner was at the base of Ia at a waterside
place called Ammoudi in the fishing village of Ia. And there was a
Pastisserie in Ia that overlooked the caldera that had mushroom tarts to
die for and unbelievable desserts. There's also a popular beachside bar
these days called Chili; it's right on Pessaro beach and the bar has a few
lounge chairs on the beach that they let patrons lay on and the most
charming Greek men delivered drinks to us on the beach. Another perfect

You may want to alert people to the almost unbearably strong winds atop the
mountain where the ruins of Ancient Thira are! It felt like we were
parachuting as we stood atop the base of the trail. The drive up in our
rented Suzuki on that torturous, curving road was truly frightening, and we
weren't prepared to hike up the trail to the ruins (my flip-flop snapped,
leaving me to pick my way back down the rocky trail barefooted). But we
loved going up there for the views.

I absolutely recommend renting a car during a stay on Santorini, if people
have someone in their group who can drive a stick. We had a silver Suzuki,
took the top off, and drove all over, checking out the Red Beach, the
Lighthouse, Santo Vineyards, the ruins, Ia twice, and getting in to Fira
easily for a stop at the AMEX office.

Anyway, we appreciated so much all of your tips and advice. I will try to
contribute to the New York charity you recommended on your site, as soon as
I pay off few debts from my trip! And seriously, your writing, particularly
your "First Impressions of Santorini" piece, was outstanding. Would you
ever be interested in a freelance job for Coastal Living, if we ever do the
Greek Islands?


Jennifer Chappell
Lifestyle Editor, Coastal Living

Hi Matt,
Thank you so much.  Your friend Tom was able to give me exact directions to my grandfathers village!   This means so much to me.  Your web site has been a lot of help to me planning our trip. I can't thank you enough!  I have been dreaming of going to Greece for a long time.  I showed your daughters web book to my daughter who is 13 years old.  She can't wait to go!  Thank you again!

Hi Matt -

I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your website.  I have been on it for the last three hours.  Your pictures are great and I love your writing style too.  It is cool that it is so personalized with stories about you, your wife and your daughter.

I am off to Greece tomorrow for a week.  I will spend three days in Athens and then four more on an island.  I am not sure which island we will choose but the info on your site will help us decide.  I am leaning toward Santorini right now but am not sure we have the time as your site says it is an 8 - 10 hour ferry.

Thanks so much again for all the info!  Your love of Greece really shows.

Connie Anast

Hi Matt,

Two years ago I sent you an email saying what an excellent job you had done
w/ your website, especially your definitions of Ios and Paros. I have long
described Ios as Spring Break multiplied by at least 100 with a lot of naked
Scandinavian women running around. To this day, I still give out your
website to anyone who enjoys my stories of adventure in the islands and
other things that shall go nameless now that I am a respectable father and
husband. I tell them that if they’re serious about researching who, what,
where, when and why, yours is the place to go. Just to give you a little
taste of my adventures, which I believe pale in comparison to yours, the
only reason I left after 8 days during my second stint to Ios was due to the
fact my flight was leaving out of Athens in 20 hours. And, we knew which
ferry was the very last high speed ferry necessary to catch our flight out.
Needless to say, sobering up was rough.

So today, I write you again to say thanks for providing a nice detour of the
daily life. I would like to think it does me well to relive the nostalgia,
albeit briefly, of certain summers spent soaking up the history, the tastes,
the smells and the Scandinavian women of the Greek Isles.

I also use your site as proof to my wife that just getting up and going from
island to island with a child is not only doable but also quite enjoyable.
Her desire is to go by cruise ship so naturally I am always harping on the
fact that it is nicer to wake up in a simple room right smack on the beach
or in the village.

Last time I emailed you mentioned that one day we should get the families,
just go, and slam some ouzo like in the old days. Well, I just might come
off the wagon if I find myself sitting on an island in the Mediterranean,
Ionian or Aegean Sea watching a beautiful sunset. Naturally, though, I will
have to pretend to be blind when the 21 year old Nordic goddesses walk by.

Now I know that passage of time has mellowed this old fart but I am curious
to see if the ‘insanity’ still prevails on the islands. I always loved the
history and what we referred to as the cultural ‘stuff’ but I equally
enjoyed the dancing and drinking until six in the morning. Oh to be young
again and in search of Homer’s tomb on Ios with an ice cold beer in one hand
and an ice cold bottle of water in the other.

Matt, thank you again and when my wife and I are ready to head out over
there you can bet we’ll be in touch.


Matt, U da man!! We just started, our first time to Greece. We plan Athens and Paxos (Italy after), the betweens and how to get there would not be possible without your informative site!!! THANK YOU.Dennis Cleasby

Dear Matt,

Congratulations on providing the most practical and easy to navigate
information about Greece I have ever seen.  I suggest you should be
given a consultant's position and a medal by the Greek government for
encouraging tourism.

I am of Greek descent and visit Greece often but your information is
exactly what I am looking for when I seek snorkel and travel tips.

Alexander Mouzas


Thanks very much for your web Travel Guide, I found it a great resource - we just returned from our first Greek trip - 5 days on Santorini, 8 day guided trekking tour on Crete, and 2 days in Athens - had a wonderful time and especially enjoyed seeing the Athens market as described on your website - came home with a bag of olives!  Looking forward to our next trip to Greece!

thanks,  Jim

I just wanted to thank you for having such an amazing web site on Greece. My husband and I are going for our first time this June. I felt so confused about everthing until I found your web site. Now I have my hotel reservation, my taxi set up, and know where to shop for gold jewerly! What more could I ask for? I just wanted to thank you. ( I found it through the San Diego Union-Tribune ) the article Linda M. Hickman wrote mentioned your site. Anyhow really just wanted to thank you again. Now I feel prepared.

Matt, I stumbled upon your website while searching for a hotel in Santorini.  I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your site.  I am Greek-American and have been to Greece several times, but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your articles and have forwarded them to my sister-in-law in Canada who will be traveling with us.  I E-mailed Villas Mathios and hope that they can accommodate us.   This will be the first time for me in Greece traveling with our  two-year old, which could be a challenge, so I really apprecitiated your comment about not staying near the caldera!
Thanks for all the terrific info!

Stephanie Zanglis
Los Angeles 

Hi Matt,
Ok I am married to a Greek guy and he's taking me and our son for the first time to g
Greece to visit all his relatives. I have had some worries, because I put on a little weight with the baby, and then I found your site! I have been looking for a really good site on Greece for almost a year and I finally found it! You have the BEST SITE! It's down to earth and very funny and just really really good information all presented in a friendly way for both male or female travellers. thanks Matt and I really do like your site and have gotten my husband to look too, he's going to use your Taxi guy and save his relatives from the drive. LOL
thanks from SaraMia

...... I have been traveling to Greece every year for the past
8 years and have enjoyed watching your website grow with information.  It is
certainly the most informative and I recommend it to all.  It is so enjoyable to know there are others who have such a passion for this beautiful country. 

Your site is great, pity I did not find it 3 years ago when I first travelled to Greece.

Dear Mr. Barrett,

I am in the process of booking a two-week October holiday in Crete for my
family (2 adults, 2 kids aged 3 & 4). I found your website extremely
interesting and informative - I had been rather nervous about taking the
kids but after reading your article I feel most reassured. I also had a look
at your daughter's website - it is wonderful; she is obviously a very bright
and lovely child.

I have chosen a self-catering apartment "village" at Tersanas near Horafakia
on the western coast of the Akrotiri peninsula. The apartments look OK,
there is a pool, kids pool & play area so hopefully the kids will enjoy
themselves. I liked your advice about finding more peace on a noisy family
beach - it's so true, although I guess it's a lot easier if you have 2 kids
close in age as they tend to play together.

This has become rather long-winded, but I just wanted to say how
well-produced and interesting your site is; thanks.

Nia Roberts
(North Wales, UK)

Hi Matt
Just wanted to say that your site is one of the best travel sites I have
seen in a long time!!!  So well set out and answers any questions one
could think of!!
Makes me want to get on the next flight and come chill out for a week or
Shalom and regards
Berlie Jablonka

Hi Matt!  Just wanted to let you know that yours is the best Greek web
page I've seen.
Chock-a-Block full of useful information.  Thanks for all the work that
has obviously gone
into creating the site.  I will be at the sight frequently, planning my
next trip.

Best Regards,

HI MATT! I don't know if you remember me, but I e-mailed you last year after my trip to Greece. I'm the one who got stuck in the subway car on my way to Pirius. Well, despite that, I enjoyed my trip so much, I am going back this year, and in fact I'm leaving tomorrow. This time I am spending the first week in Santorini. I arranged that part of my trip through Dolphin Hellas (Uli helped me), per your recommendation on your website. She was very helpful in finding me a nice place in Santorini (Rocabella), and also getting me a flight from Athens to Santorini. Then I'm going to Athens for my 2nd week and staying at Electra Palace (again). I'm so happy to be going back to Greece! This time, I'm not printing out so much of your website because (thanks to your website), I am very familiar with my surroundings in Athens. I wanted to tell you thanks again for such a helpful website! Sincerely, Elissa

Is just excellent!

I fell in love with Athens a few years ago when my son was at the University having won a scholarship to spend one semester there, reading Philosophy.

Then just this year my partner and I spent 10 days in Greece, starting in Athens but moving on to Napflion, Epidavros, Mycenae, Cortinth, Delphi and loads of other wonderful places.

We've decided to go back again next year and already I've approached your travel agent for details of the Saga Hotel in Poros, because of your description!  Our appetites are well and truly whetted!


Dear Sir

I would like to thank you for your informative web pages.

I am planning a first time visit to Poros in order to view a yacht and the
information contained in your web pages has been extremely useful.

Many thanks again

Campbell Grant


I haven't visited your site for a few years, ever since you provided me so much insight for our trip 3 yrs ago. I remember that your website was really just a newsletter online, mostly text based, no photos that I recall...but the text was so rich and evocative that pictures immediately formed in my mind back then. I appreciated your info so much that I even sent you money...even though your info was free for the taking. I felt you should be compensated, and I hope you have been, other than a free hotel room now and then!

So today I visited your enhanced site because I've been talking Athens up to two e-pals, one going on a "mileage run" in Nov and one going on a cruise (ugh...I don't believe in cruiseships as an environmentalist, but, what can I do?) Your website and info are better than ever, a very detailed and informative web resource...and I will enthusiastically recommend you and your work to everyone.

Our trip was a total success despite a raging cold I caught amidst chill and rain that November. Without Brettos I don't know if I could have managed...but when we got caught in a downpour we'd duck in for a shot of aged brandy or grappe' or ouzo...yes, great medicine for my cold! We told them you recommended us, and of course we bought ouzo and 7 yr old brandy to take home. We also made it to Byzantino...I'm not generally a big fan of jewelry, but I wanted a dolphin charm for a  gold chain hubby had bought me back in the States. At Byzantino I found one for half the price other stores were quoting me...and Byzantino sold me a *solid* charm versus a hollow one sided charm, for so much less money. I am wearing the charm on my chain as a permanent fixture. Even though it is small and understated, I get compliments on it still.

What else? Rhodes was fabulous...we saw few tourists since it was Nov, but alas, so many starving kitty cats when the tourists have stopped coming. On the bright side, though, to have the Acropolis at Lindos to ourselves as well as other sites...we felt like we were truly blessed by Athena, and we lingered as long as we liked in the stillness and beauty. I wouldn't hesitate to go back off season, even with probability of rain.

My one regret is that there wasn't enough time to visit the underground music clubs in Athens you speak about so highly. I love world music and especially anything cutting edge and complex. Next time we will make a music quest a priority...and I hope next time will be coming soon!

All the best to you, and thanks again for recommending Dolphin Hellas, Brettos, Byzantino, Adams, etc etc etc!

Carol Coney
Snellville, GA, USA

P.S. Please put me on your email newsletter listserve!


Just returned form a three week tour of the islands, your web site proved invaluable, used a couple of your hotel suggestions , i.e., Athens (Attalos) and Naxos, (Prokapis Hotel).  Both we're great. keep up the good work.


...We LOVED your information!! We're African-American and always look for information that gives a good sense of the culture of a nation, does not merely catalogue its sights, monuments, etc.  Your website was made for us(and apparently everyone else in the universe!)  My husband and teenage son printed out the entire synopsis you provide on the Greek islands, and your info on Athens.  We read over & over again to help us make choices of what to see and do in Athens, and the Greek islands, of course.  I can only say that, armed with your web pages, we became more than ambitious.  We -- a family that books EVERY step in ADVANCE, PLANS every second of what to do, etc, etc -- didn't book ONE hotel in advance!!  That's just how confident your website made us, Matt!  (oops, we did book our Athens hotel in advance, but only because a friend of hubby's recommended it.)

We showed up in Santorini (8 1/2 hours from Pireaus), without a clue about where we would be staying.  We found a lovely place (we wanted to be in Thira/Fira, in caldera).  We didn't get a hotel in caldera, but we did get a nice little place in Thira, which was exactly what we needed.  Bonded with a Greek-American family and a woman from Amsterdam. Perissa, Kamari, but didn't make it to Akrotiri (any excuse to go back, heh, heh). Then, 3 days later, we were off to Paros then Antiparos (what a perfect place right after Santorini!).  Same deal, no hotel.  Found a lovely villa in Perikia...made friends with the Greek family owners (for life, we think!).  Off to Mykonos, another villa.  Got bold and rented a jeep. The perpendicular ride down the road to Psarou Beach satisfied even our teenage son's thirst for hair-raising fear & thrills (hey, Space Mountain, eat  dust!).  A half-day on Delos (wow! millions of photos later...).  Then, on to Syros and Ano Syros (now, there's a place where you can have your Cyclades and your Europe, too!!).  Back to Athens.  What a WONDERFUL TWO WEEKS!!!  I've already had dreams about the blindingly white walls and surprising pathways that surely are mazes!

Matt, keep on doing what you do!  Would love to hear your wife's point of view, if she's willing to share.  Warmest regards, Another Very Pleased Family

Hey Matt you have the best tourist guide on Greece/Athens there.Take an Athenians word for it. Really great. I recomend it to my friends that want to visit Greece.
By the way, Sifnos is my favorite island too. I go there every year, always stay at Kastro and never forget to check Claudio's pasta.
I'll have to update you on a couple of good restaurants in Athens (not in the center and well hidden from tourists and even athenians) and in Sifnos.

I'll do it in another mail

Loukas Karambelas


thanks for reply greatly appreciated, I will see what my fingers can do for me.

I forgot to mention that when my wife & I were in Greece last year, I took your advise after looking at your website. We had 4 days in Mykonos, 4 days in Santorini, 2 days in Athens, in that order after spending 55 days in UK & Europe. For me those 10 days were the highlight of our trip.

I must congratulate on your website. It is the most informative travel site that I have come across and have told my friends when they are planning to travel to Greece to have a look. Your web designer is a master of his trade. If there was an award going for the best travel site and you didnt win, I would absolutly staggered.

May your business profit from your efforts.

Kind Regards

John Galbraith

I just wanted to tell you that i thought your website on Greece was hysterical.  I'm going to spend a semester in athens next year and i loved reading about your adventures there!  Keep up the great stories!!
-LIndsey Warfel

Hi Matt!
We've just returned from a month in Greece and would just like to let you know how valuable your information was to us. We felt well prepared for even the out-of-the-way destinations such as Skopelos. We patronized businesses that you recommended and were never disappointed. Thanks for providing such a comprehensive service.
We will make a donation to the mission as a way of saying thanks.
Susan and Terry 

Hi Matt,

I am amazed at the quality and comprehensiveness of your website. Do you do this for fun ? I have just contacted one of the agencies recommended by you, and I look forward to going to Greece with my wife in July this year. After having spent a few hour surfing your site I almost feel like I don’t need to visit Greece because I know it so well !!!!!!

David Mark

Hi - we had a truly great trip to Greece - 3+ weeks of fun. The weather wasn't the greatest(!) for April but this didn't detract from the trip at all.

I'd like to say - loudly and clearly - your web pages contributed to a great experience in Greece. Everywhere we went it felt like we'd already been there - your tips on hotels - meals - sites to see -taxi's - etc. were all right on the mark.

 Thank you for contributing to a fun holiday..

 Cheers Bryan Smith

 P.S> Greek drivers are perfectly safe to deal with - we enjoyed our rented cars - driving oneself made it possible to visit the many spots you mentioned.

Dear Matt,
I'm so sorry you're trip didn't work out. We had reservations to
stay at the Attalos for a few days the end of December when
you were supposed to be there...but Mike's Thea would absolutely
NOT let us spend on a hotel in Plaka when we could just as easily
stay with in Argiroupolis for 4 more nights. HA! We had a wonderful
time in Greece for 17 days. Went to Corinth, Naphlion, Epidaurus,
Mycenae, Delphi and spent some great time in Athens with family
and friends and NO TOURISTS ANYWHERE> Man, I highly recommend
this time of year, especially for those who have been to Greece before
and aren't going for beaches and beer!!  Great experience. Especially,
since we cashed in our United mileage miles and paid $102 each round-trip!
I missed getting to meet you but had a good laugh about the story
on your website!! Let us know when you're planning another jaunt.
We're planning next summer (2004) but will stay in Crete with family
for most of the time. I would love to cruise up to Athens for a few days
though,,,just to check out the tourists and see how much they're paying
for hotels, mythos and souvlaki during the Olympics !!!! Hee-Hee. Thanks
for all of your suggestions & emails. As usual, you were right on about
going to Greece for Christmas! WONDERFUL~!!!!!!!!!! Will send you some
next time~!

Shannon Hadjis (&Michael)

Dear Matt, A very sincere thank you for getting me in touch with people who
could help my daughter. She is now safely home. I can't believe how kind and
hulpful you were, not even knowing me. There truly are some special people
in this world, and you are one of them. May God bless and again, thank you.

I just want to thank you for making your websites. They are so helpful and I cannot wait to go to Greece. I am leaving tommorrow for 10 days and I was nervous at first about the food and traveling around but because of your websites, I am more excited than anything else. Thank you so much.

Hello Matt. My wife and I have just returned from a three week visit to Greece and the Greek Islands; we were celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. Prior to this trip I spent hours, days, weeks on the Internet, gathering as much information about Greece that I could find. Needless to say, the best site, with the most info, which was downloaded and has filled my hard drive, was your site.
We have used your info in Athens, on Naxos, Santorini, Crete, and Rhodes. Your restaurant choices were great, I mentioned your name to a few "maitre-de's" and to Mr. Bretto, and noone hit me so I guess you are still okay over there.
Again, thanks for all the info; it was invaluable!
Kenneth J. Cinder

Hi Matt...I was at a baby shower yesterday, and the mother of the guest of honor (Athena from Athens, Ohio) was talking about her three-month stay on Crete.  Later, I mentioned your website to her and she said "you mean Matt?"  She was turned-on to your website from a friend in Virginia, and used your site to plan the Crete trip.  I thought you would get a kick out of this story.

I am still planning on going to Greece next year - Part I will be me going solo at the Olympics and Part II will be meeting my mother and sister for a bit of travelling.

Cheers, Sheila

My daughter is "the" female recurve archer on the US Paralympic team and I've been scoping information for us on the trip to the Paralympics  -  LOVE your site - thanks a bunch!
Ron Carmichael

Dear Matt(?),

Your site is great!!  I was in Mykonos in 1971 and it was still "pure". 
Loved the photos!!

Wish you could have seen it before the tourist explosion.

Chriss Carlson

Hi Matt just few words for u to say: "Very cool not only the Greece but also
your Greece's profile"!!
See u!
michele (from Italia)

Yeia sas, Matt,
  Do put me on your Greece Travel Newsletter list, please.  Having lived and studied and taught in Greece for about 15 years, I miss being there profoundly.  It's an existential, experiential thing, as you will know.
     Your website cannot receive enough praise.  It is a genuine phenomenon-thavma einai!--and its hints of the picaresque, in style and organization, actually put me down in Athens or Siphnos or Molyvos (or Nauplion or Nisyros or Folegandros  or Pylos or Poros or Samos.  Sigh).
Abundant thanks,
Pamela Benbow

My name is Ryan Pothier and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada (have ya ever been???) and I will be attending the University of La Verne in just a few weeks now . . . I will be their first Canadian Student. . . pretty cool don't you think???  I just wanted to say that your website is great . . . I've been reading it over and over again to get as much information as possible before my departure to Greece.  Needless to say I'm quite excited (and a bit scared) . . . I'm only there for one semestre . . . but you never know what may happen . . . I will be in Athens for a bit over 3 months. . . what do you recommend that i should do to get the most out of my stay in Greece . . . (i love to party and adore the beach . . . and just relaxing with a cup of coffee is great too . . . so im pretty much open to anything)  Anyways . . . that is all for now . . . Have a great day . . . RYAN POTHIER

I enjoyed your site tremendously!

I'm on my way to Samos to visit my mother and relatives as I do
almost every year.  By the way, it is one of the most beautiful
islands!  Maybe a biased opinion, but true!

At this point I know France more than I do Greece and I like
France more than I do Greece.  As a matter of fact, just prior to
the "crash" of my 401K I was considering buying a place in

The information , on your site, however, has awakened  "the
Greek" in me and I'm leaving Samos a bit earlier, so that I can
revisit all the sites in Athens that have given me such pleasure
in the past.

I enjoyed your study on the "rembetica" but most of all your
visit at the 1st Nekrotafio, one of my favorite places.  What a
gem of a presentation, the combination with the Cavafy poetry.
Is the translation by Rae Dalvin?  She was my English professor ,
while in College.

Thanks for the pleasure.
I'd love a copy of your newsletter.

Best regards

---Note:  I was considering staying at Adrian, in Plaka, but
after your review of Attalos, I think I'll stay in Attalos, if I
can get in, and I'll shop in Monasteraki with $ difference!

After dreaming of visiting Greece for at least 15 years, I finally got a
chance to go there in October. I looked at every page of your website over
and over, and even printed out lots of information about places to eat and
drink, music, etc. I had a wonderful trip, and all of the info from your
site helped me to know exactly how to get around Athens on the bus and
metro. I even made it to Santorini! I stayed in a lovely small hotel in
Thira that overlooks the volcano, close enough to walk into town in the
evening to listen to music! Thanks for all of the tips. Your site is
amazing. I still come back to it to see your new info. I'm hoping to go
back to Greece again. I loved it. I will keep checking your site for

hi matt.  my wife had a great trip to greece in may of 03.  it was everything u said it would be.  we both loved and your site was great.  we used a lot of your info.we stayed downtown athens at your recommended hotel.  great value.  just one question about the beds in greece. box springs are hard to find,  all seem to be concrete construction,  we found that a little tough sometimes.  we stay at various hotels.  santorini and paros.  loved the people the food, the weather , the scenery everything was great but the beds.  we are hoping to get back next year,  and are seriously thinking lesvos on your recommendations, or possibly rhodes.  probably for 2 weeks, on a somewhat imited budget.  the we is my wife and i.  we are  mid 40s but are ingood physical condition.  we tour the country side and the digs.  hope u get a chance to respond.  love your site it was a great deal of help.  i still look at it on a regular basis just to remind me how much we loved the country.  good health and best regards paul and linda mckenna

Thank you Matt for all your help.  I turned in my exam last night.  All this planning, makes me wish i had the $$ to really go to Greece.  

Happy holidays to you.  Janet

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